Ozonology Inc. is a manufacturer of ozone generators, and designer/fabricator of industrial and environmental systems utilizing ozone. With a background of three years in the ozone industry, Allen Morr founded Ozonology Inc. in 1988, beginning this new business at Northwestern University's Technology Innovation Center. The Company's first product was a proprietary design, air cooled, corona discharge ozone generator having a moderate production rate of 10 grams/hour ozone. Other products and systems followed:
In 1991, Ozonology introduced its 1 lb/day, 2 lbs/day and 3 lbs/day production units to meet commercial and industrial requirements for higher capacity ozone generators.
In 1997, the first in a 13-model line of OEM custom design ozone generators was manufactured to a client's unique specification. Hundreds have been produced for automobile deodorization, automobile carwash reclaim water odor control, commercial laundry water treatment, and drinking water purification.
In 2005, the product line was further expanded by the introduction of PlasmaBlock® electronically powered, air cooled, ozonators with production capacity up to 6 lbs/day, and with modification for water cooling, production capacity up to 25 lbs/day. Using a PLC and telemetry, ozone production can be remotely monitored as well as regulated between 1-100%.
The foregoing describes Ozonology’s background in equipment, but equipment design and manufacturing is not the sole business activity. The Company also designs and builds turnkey package systems utilizing its ozone generators.
In 1996, Ozonology designed its first odor control system for the Metropolitan Water Reclamation District of Greater Chicago, using a contact chamber to mix ozone into the entering stream of foul air from the wastewater treatment plant. Its unique design provides detention time for ozone reaction in a small footprint package. Additional projects for the District followed. And to this day, other municipalities, and industries, are controlling foul air emissions with similarly designed systems.
In 1997, the first turnkey remediation system using ozone/air sparging was designed for in-situ treatment of groundwater at a former gasoline station site. The ozone/air sparging is pulsed by a PLC to maximize chemical oxidation of pollutants. Following on this project have been numerous others for gasoline BTEX, MTBE, and chlorinated compound remediation, all custom designed.
In 2011, to complement its business in sparging systems, Ozonology designed its first SVE (soil vapor extraction) system for soil remediation. This uses a vacuum blower to "pull" volatiles from the sub-surface for ex-situ treatment. Oftentimes, ozone/air sparging, or air sparging alone, is combined with SVE for enhanced in-situ and ex-situ groundwater and soil remediation.
In summary, Ozonology Inc. is a company with extensive background in the manufacture of a wide variety of ozone generators. Further, the Company has a proven track record of unique skills and the experience to work with clients in the design/build of odor control and groundwater remediation systems.